A fast-paced novel about the most significant culture shift in decades
A fast-paced novel about the most significant culture shift in decades
A fast-paced action novel about ideas, social media, facial recognition and total transparency. The analog watchmaker meets the visionary digital entrepreneurs.
A man is then accused. Thousands of internet users chase him across Europe. Armed with cell phones and laptops. Will they catch him? Is he even guilty?
"We are talking about something as unusual as a novel which has actually thought social media and up-to-date web into the action in an intelligent way ...", Bjarne Tveskov, tveskov.com
"Read it in three days, and was completely swept up in this liberating and very different novel," Jane Clemensen, Ph.D., nurse
"After I had read the first 5 chapters of the book "Tempo", written by Carsten Borch, I knew right away that this book was not like some other books I had read before," young student
“Finished reading Tempo. Will still recommend it, by the way. Well written, and then the writer is on Twitter @carstenborch ;-)” @spiri on Twitter
“Two events made this story develop inside my head like a photograph in a dark room. Attending the internet conference Leweb in Paris and the accusation of Milan Kundera being a snitch during the Cold War. And presumably this fast-paced novel is a duel between the analog and digital world.
I love the best of both worlds, but would like to raise a red flag on facial recognition as a free and freely accessible tool through social media. I don't think we are able to grasp the consequences of facial recognition yet, and that's why we need stories. To make Ebbe Salto think. To make us all think about what social media are doing to us. Are we sharing ID's when we should be sharing ideas?
The novel was written out of love for ideas. That's why the story begins in The City of Ideas, Lund in Sweden. The 29 year old analog watchmaker Ebbe Salto has never touched a computer in his life. That's about to change. He is two weeks away of inheriting the 200 year old family run watchmaking company and then he meets the visionary digital entrepreneur Jasper Gunningham and his investor Jacob Flik, who resembles Gutenberg and his investor Fust.
One careless mouse click sparks a chain reaction and within a week the lives of Ebbe Salto and many others turn upside down.
Internet personas like Ben Hammersley, Loic le Meur, Clay Shirky and Morten Lund served as good inspiration for characters, dialogue and actions.
I'm happy that 'Tempo' are read in both workplaces and schools and debated among young people. Much earlier in life than any generation before them they have to be conscious about when to share and when to beware.
A 12 year old with a smartphone and wifi is a broadcaster these days. I hope they have conscious parents and guides to teach them. And if you are one of those parents or guides you can surely benefit from reading 'Tempo'.”